A Dedicated Full Stack Software Developer
Currently immersed in my B.Tech journey at VIT Chennai, I anticipate graduating in 2025.
My professional identity is a unique blend of being a tech developer and a enthusiast , a versatile individual with a knack for networking, community building, and event organization. I've had the privilege of sharing my insights at various events and workshops as a speaker & host, collaborating with industry giants like Polygon Labs and Lumos Labs.
In the dynamic world of startups, I‘ve not only expressed my love for innovation but actively contributed to building some remarkable ventures while working alongside visionary founders. My freelancing experience has further honed my skills and provided a diverse range of challenges.
Beyond my technical prowess, I pride myself on being a strong-minded individual, capable of getting the job done efficiently. I thrive in multitasking, handling even the most challenging work with a stress-free demeanor, always giving my best. As an extrovert with excellent communication skills, I find great interest in entrepreneurship, making meaningful connections in the process.
Nethermind,London,United KingdomFullstack SDE Intern
Worked with a Internationally distributed team remotely. Involved and Contributed to Multiple Projects .
SEDGE :- a one-click node setup tool for PoS network/chain validators and nodes written entirely in the Go programming language. Sedge takes care of the entire onpremise full node setup based on the chosen client, using generated docker-compose scripts based on the desired configuration.Worked extensively in Go Lang involving Cobra packages configuring the terminal commandlines and controls as per requirements and features for a smooth setup of sedge and nodes. (Go Lang,Commandlines,Cobra)
ZkSYNC - Remix Plugin :- Worked with the ZkSYNC - Nethermind team on the Remix plugin enabling developers to effortlessly deploy and interact with zkSync contracts. Worked on Vite + Typescript and Rust for API. Built with Rocket , a framework for Rust (Vite, Typescript, Rust, Rocket)
PAPRIKA:- custom implementation of the Patricia tree used in Ethereum. It aims at replacing the underlying storage as a solution on a higher level of abstraction. PagedDb component utilizes memory-mapped files for efficient storage, employing Copy on Write for concurrency management, inspired by LMBD. Performed the optimization of page by garbage collection strategy
Voyager:- Was part of the block explorer Voyager team. Worked with Tech stacks Involving Vite , Typescript with PostgreSQL backends
View MoreHashstack Finance,Bengaluru,India Software Development Engineer Intern
worked as a SDE Intern at Hashstack Finance where I was one of the 2 core frontend developers working on multiple projects including the main Application . I also had the opportunity to join at the right time when a major migration upgrade took place and the mainnet project was launched. I was able to quickly grasp the speed and delivery optimization needed to adapt and adjust with the speed of product launch. Moreover I worked closely with the CEO and senior developers which enabled me in understanding the business aspects before shipping a product .
Contributed to Hashstack's mission of creating trustless financial products for underserved populations worldwide.
Led software development of Open protocol, enabling secure under-collateralized asset token loans with high-quality UI and APIs.
Worked with Next with typescript, Next APIs and modern webdev = tech. Also worked in Devops part involving Github Actions , AWS , etc.
Ensuring responsive design for diverse devices also working with offchain involving AWS and blockchain endpoints+Oracles for integration and permission management with deployment
Maintained clean, reusable code following design patterns with comprehensive tests.
View MoreGolddust FinanceCore FullStack Developer
Worked with Golddust Finance , founded by my college senior who already had a company of 1 million funding.
I was part of the team working with founders and core team in building the infrastructure and algorithm for quant crypto fund sector with Double phase hedging model .
Also built the web app for price tracking and staking with technologies such as Next , Typescript , TailwindCSS , ChakraUI , Solidity , Hardhat , Foundry ,Uniswap AMMs and protocol , Sushiswap protocol
View MoreEDMYNBackend development and infrastructure management Intern
I got an opportunity to work with Mrs. Sumita Arora (A national level author in the field of Computer Science . Students around India use her book for Computer science Public board examination).It was one of the best moments when she herself contacted me on LinkedIn .
worked at her edtech startup EDMYN as the first hire alongside with the CTO .
Worked on Scalable, real-time database architecture and Firebase backend implementation using cloud Functions to automate workflows
Had a perfect early stage startup experience with Founding team
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“ Amidst the rush of curious minds and exciting stories, we are excited to share the story of Sabari Ganesh, a newbie Web3 developer who has been at the forefront of Web3 development and is a student at VIT Chennai. Sabari takes us on his Web3 journey that began with research on Dogecoin and cryptocurrencies to learn all about blockchain. His interest intensified with a desire to mint an NFT to impress his crush. This led to Sabari creating.....“
1x IDF on IOT - Real Time Water Monitoring and Sustainable Energy Generation System
Researched with my Faculty ,teammates and invented a Real time water transport system that monitors quality and also performs a sustainable energe generation efficiently .Technology was Patented with IDF .
1x Patent Submission on Smart contract based Immutable Autonomous payment system enabling smooth EV Toll payments
Researched with my Faculty ,teammates and invented a system methodology to allow Electric Vehicle to Inbteract with Toll verifiers and perform transaction autonomously using smart contracts with added security fraud prevention , cryptocurrencies and Public Key infrastructures [PKI] for Certificate verifications and authorization. Paves way for a fully end to end autonomous fraud free toll handler between EV and verifier agent that does not require any middleman / regulationary disturbance.
Winner @ ETHGlobal ETHIndia ETHForAll
Won the Asia's largest ethereum hackathon with my team ETHERNALS.Coded a project Revolutionizing grassroots payments: Decentralized, transparent, and empowering for workers and communities. Know more about the project here
Won a international hackathon where we coded a Decentralized fundraising app with smart on-chain dispute handler that allow people to raise funds for noble causes,investments. Know more about the project here
Won my university's Smart India Hackathon conducted with over 300+ coders and developers.Came top 10 and won the Intsernal Smart India Hackathon.Built a Ecommerce app that empowers local artisans and connects them to potential customers
Grad @Buildspace Nights & Weekends Season 3
We built BeatSpire, a unique marketplace for music artists which enables fans to own a piece of their music as digital art .In this 6 week long program we surpassed all challenges , built , deployed and scaled it from the scratch of idea
Conducted National Level Hackathon DeFy’24
Recordbreaking event ever in My University
“Web3 x Business” mission - Create web3 product with Business aspects
From joining as a community member , to organizing a National Level Hackathon with DAO Community VIT Chennai as a lead organizer
Being in this Fintech , Crypto industry for a while , I really wanted to shape the way things work.The way devs analyse ,solutions are built ,innovation being not just on coding,but also solving actual problems.Building in multiple hackathons,we realized one thing :- Nobody cares on the projects built once those x hours of coding period ends.We decided to change this ,transform the way Builders think and shift their perspectives towards having a long term vision. Thats when , DeFy was born.The place where crypto met business.
The collab between DAO Community VIT Chennai & Business Innovation Community (BIC) combined the power of technology and entrepreneurship paving way for the most unique hackathon ever conducted at VIT.We ensured participants didn't just code a solution , but thought broad enough to build a great tech product that can come out as startup.
And the speaker series of DeFy,where we brought the Co-Founder of WazirX - Siddharth Menon ,& many more added significant value to DeFy experience. From Ideating event & raising sponsorships to marketing all over India with our 40+ onboarded partners was such a wonderful experience. Hosting such a very niche hackathon with limited builders was not easy , but the determination showed by my team was excellent.
The budget a national wide hackathon demanded was huge for us.Still we achieved a significant milestone making DeFy'24 most sponsored club-led hackathon in the history of VIT Chennai.
DAO Community VIT Chennai
I wanted to build something of my own to make a mark and legacy behind in my college . That's when I got an opportunity to join a newly started club just 2 days after it was founded by seniors called DAO Community . From joining as a member , just in the first year I got the opportunity to become the president directly .
I saw the potential in the club , I saw the limitations that were holding it down, and took a chance to pitch myself and grabbed this opportunity. Despite being a fresher , I decided to jump all in with no experience but passion to build my legacy.
Despite it having a lot of starting troubles due to approval issues which almost resulted in club suspension , I solved it and scaled it to a very next level by concentrating on 2 major things ,Recruiting right people and aggressive outreach with the industry . We conducted back to back events starting just from 10-12 participants and ended up conducting a flagship hackathon called DeFy'24 which created the record of "The most sponsored Hackathon in the history of VIT" with participants around India and not just VIT.
We also have our own integrated Zero knowledge cryptography app that helps for voting and nominating facilitators democratically and anonymously built on Polygon.I was part of the tech team as well building the main DAO
- Backend and Databases
- [ Typescript/Javascript/GO ] AWS ,MongoDB,NoSQL,PostgreSQL, Firebase , MySQL Node JS/TS,Express,Go Fiber ,Go Gin, DB Migrations , DB Mocks , Websockets ,Protobuf, Redis Queues , Microservices , Relational databases , Linux , DB Mock , gRPC , Distributed systems , Test Driven Development
- Frontend and UI
- React[js/ts], Next[js/ts] , Angular (Typescript and Javascript), Styling and UI (Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, MUI, etc.), Component architecture , State Management (Redux, Context, etc.), Caching , Server Side Rendering , React Native, Expo
- DevOps and Cloud
- AWS cloud , Docker , Github Actions and workflows , Jenkins , Pipelines, Redis
- Artificial Intelligence
- LLM , Langchains , Working on fundamental ML and DL algorithms (Regression, Classification, etc.), Recommendation systems, and Sentimental Analysis
- Languages
- JavaScript, TypeScript , GoLang , Solidity , C++ , Java , Python,C
- Quant Finance
- Python , Numpy , Fundamental Algorithms , Stocks , Commodities,Derivatives,Markowitz Modern Portfolio Diversification analysios ,Capital Asset PM,Stochastic Randomness Calculus,Weiner process,Black–Scholes mode ,etc [Fundamental theories + Moderate implementation]
- Blockchain:
- Solidity, DeFi (Aave, Flashloans, Arbitrages, Pool Investments, Vaults, etc.), Starknet ,Protocol Mathematics and algorithms in Uniswap , Sushiswap,etc, DAO, NFTs, Tokens (ERC 721, 1155, etc.), ZKEVM, Infura, Alchemy, and other endpoints,Tools like Hardhat,Truffle, Brownie, Ganache, and integration with Ethers, Web3,Wagmi,etc
- Hardware:
- Arduino UNO , IOT and domain analysis, C , Cyber physical systems ,ESP 32 , Raspberry pi , Autonomous Drones , Embedded systems
ZKpan - Zero knowledge snark based Government doc ID verification with Data privacy
Zero knowledge Cryptography , Circom ,RSA Cryptography , Snark JS , Data Privacy , Next
Application to identify and safeguard the presence of government issued personally identifiable information (PII) embedded in documents using Zero knowledge cryptography and circom circuits.
Ensure data privacy and scalabaility while sharing PII of government ID datas encrypted and verifiable by generating relevant proofs .
IOT - Real Time Water Monitoring and Sustainable Energy Generation System
C, ESP32 ,Arduino,mechanics,ICChips , ph=turbidity sensor turbine generator , blynk saas ,Tp4056 , architecture
Reseacrhed with my Faculty ,teammates and invented a Real time water transport system that monitors quality and also performs a sustainable energe generation .
Technology was Patented with IDF .
CrowdTix - Elevate Your Events
Next,Express, NoSQL,MongoDB ,Typescript ,GoFiber, AWS Cloud , AWS DynamoDB for DB, Elastic Beanstalk for APIs , AWS Amplify for Hosting , NodeJS,MongoDB, Express,Chakra UI,TailwindCSS
Complete one platform to host events. Built in features for event addition, hosting ,meeting and Approval system
Approve and manage authenticated participants so as to have restricted events. Easy share on social media
Inbuilt WEBrtc videomeeting in progress.
ZxDAO zk-enforced Anonymity & AI-Assured Quorum
PostgreSQL,Next,TailwindCSS,Ethereum Blockchain,Solidity smart contract,hardhat
A groundbreaking solution to the critical challenges hindering optimal DAO functionality, notably the anonymity gap and quorum deficiency.
Leveraging sentiment analysis and advanced cryptographic techniques, zXdao ensures continuous and representative participation while safeguarding user privacy. enhances participation by addressing anonymity concerns but also strengthens decision-making processes by mitigating the risk of proposals failing to achieve quorum.
Dispute handler with VRF
Chainlink , VRFs , Solidity , Hardhat , Javascript
A solutions for disputes that arises within communities , especially DAOs. This solution uses the technology of VRF v2 .
EVM based Chainlink consumer integrated with dispute handler equipped with 51% attack prevention
Inbuilt WEBrtc videomeeting in progress.
Event Management Portal
ReactJS, Firebase firestore DB, Auth,TailwindCSS
Created a platform for club events during our University cultural fest to facilitate registration , verification , onboarding and game slot maintainence in realtime .
Handles many users with auth facilities.
Flashswap Arbitrage Simulation in Liquidity Pools
Uniswap V3 , Pool Management , Solidity , Hardhat ,TVL, Tickspaces , Flashswaps , NFT Token Position
Perform a Flashloan in a pool liquidity , and use the funds to make swaps on other pools as Arbitrage to gain profit.
Uses Uniswap v3 contracts to simulate the same using Flashswap algorithm keeping in mind the profit fees , combining the power of Swap routers and NFT token positions , and Tickspaces with efficient TVL
⚠️ Try at Mainnet with your own risk
Pay4All-Revolutionizing grassroots payments:Transparent, and empowering for workers and communities
ReactJS ,Firebase Firestore,Polygon blockchain,Solidity smart contracts,Hardhat,EthersJS, Tailwindcss,styled components
A 'Decentralized Payment Platform' for Fair and Transparent Compensation of Municipal and Sanitation Workers, Promoting Financial Responsibility and Blockchain Adoption at the Grassroots Level.
The moral goal is to prevent small amounts of money being spent on harmful and largely unimportant goods on daily basis ; instead offer the aggregated payment/ tip money at a later time as a lumpsum ;
The technical goal is create a seamless platform that is transparent in displaying where the money flows by keeping a central aggregator and the user need only pay the unique wallet address corresponding to the worker.
Along with it , it also aims to bring the blockchain use case to the grassroot level.
This was a Hackathon winning project
BEATSPIRE - marketplace for Music artists
ReactJS ,Firebase Firestore,Polygon blockchain,Solidity smart contracts,Hardhat,EthersJS, Tailwindcss,styled components
Built a unique marketplace for music artist which enables fans to own a piece of their music as a Digital asset.
Project got accepted at Buildspace Nights & Weekends season 3 . We graduated as well
Coded along with my teammates ,where I had the key role in backend (blockchain + firebase) coding, testing, deployment . Also did the integration with frontend.
Fundraising App with Dispute Handling - Prevent Charity scams
ReactJS ,Firebase Firestore,Polygon blockchain,Solidity smart contracts,Hardhat,EthersJS, Tailwindcss,styled components
platform using POLYGON blockchain that automatically handles all fundraising for charities AND disputes.
Users can donate and get added to the Raise verification system governed by smart contracts .
Prevents scam fundraising with its power of transparency and verification system with automatic dispute handling and fund safety.
Hackathon winning project